Past Meetings

March 2025 Monthly Meeting

Meeting Title
General Sheet Metal Tour

General Sheet Metal
16345 SE Evelyn St
Clackamas, OR 97015

Register at the link below


For our March 4, 2025 Portland BEC meeting, we are excited to extend an invitation to you for a guided tour of General Sheet Metal’s state-of-the-art sheet metal fabrication facility located at 16345 SE Evelyn St, Clackamas, OR 97015. This will be a great opportunity for you to explore their manufacturing processes, see their cutting-edge equipment, and understand how the various specified sheet metal fabrications are produced.

To take advantage of an active manufacturing facility and the see the fabrication process in action, we will be starting the tour at 1:30pm. The tour will be approximately 1-hour long. During the tour, you'll have the chance to ask questions and learn more about how they transform raw materials into high-quality sheet metal products for your projects.

Personal protective equipment (PPE) will be required to be worn during the tour in the form of long pants, Closed toed shoes, Safety Glass (provided by GSM), and Ear Plugs (provided by GSM). Due to space and safety constraints, this tour is limited to 35 attendees. While we recognize that this tour will be in high demand, we would ask that corporate BEC members limit participation to two (2) attendees from your organization.

Please follow the link to register for the event.

February 2025 Monthly Meeting

Meeting Title
Validating Thermal Performance of Existing Assemblies Using In-situ Measurements

Hybrid Event - In person and via Zoom

EcoTrust Building
Billy Frank Jr Conference Center
721 NW 9th Ave. Suite 200
Portland, OR 97209

for Zoom register at the link below

Shibei Huang

This presentation is a technical discussion about using field measurements to validate thermal assumptions for existing buildings and help make energy models more accurate. In deep energy retrofits, the thermal performance of existing building envelopes is often difficult to determine with a high level of accuracy. For older buildings, the records of existing assemblies are often incomplete or inaccurate. To obtain greater baseline performance accuracy for energy models, in-field measurement tools can be used to obtain data on the thermal performance of the existing assemblies. Using case studies, this presentation will summarize non-destructive methods utilizing a set of various field tools to measure the baseline U-factors for a range of existing buildings with various wall assemblies. The lessons-learned covers what can be achieved, the limitations of these approaches and tools, and ideas on improving the accuracy and precision of measurements. The key factors include the weather conditions, the interior conditions, thermal mass of the measured assemblies, and thermal profiles of the assemblies in question.

A highly-motivated building enclosure consultant with RWDI’s Philadelphia team, Shibei possesses experience in detail design development specific to high-performance buildings, construction documentation, energy code compliance, assembly performance analysis, and site observation. With a background in architecture design, she brings a fresh perspective to our clients along with effective modelling skills for a new generation of technology. Shibei has experience in a broad range of project types and across all project phases. Her analytical skills and knowledge of building science contribute to an understanding of building performance and help inform building designs


January 2025 Monthly Meeting

Meeting Title
Fire Propagation - Combustibility and NFPA 285

Hybrid Event - In person and via Zoom

EcoTrust Building
Billy Frank Jr Conference Center
721 NW 9th Ave. Suite 200
Portland, OR 97209

for Zoom register at the link below

David C. Young, PE

This course will provide a brief history of significant historical fires and how these have influenced the development of our current model building codes. Some more recent fires will be discussed, reinforcing the importance of mitigating fire propagation in cladding assemblies. A review of the five main building types will lead into a discussion of material combustibility followed by an overview of the Code requirements around flame propagation. NFPA 285 – “Standard Fire Test Method for Evaluation of Fire Propagation Characteristics of Exterior Wall Assemblies Containing Combustible Components” is now in its 4th edition. The course wraps up with a discussion of the fire propagation test, how to navigate manufacturer NFPA 285 compliance information, and when the use of engineering judgements may be required.

Dave Young brings more than 35 years of building enclosure consulting experience to his teams and projects. His capacity to demonstrate a depth of experience includes single-family homes, multi-family residential, Class-A high-rise commercial, institutional/public sector, and mission critical projects--in both Canada and the U.S. Inherently meticulous and detail-oriented, Dave leverages his ability to think holistically about new building construction and building enclosure rehabilitation, repair, maintenance, and forensic investigation. He is a trusted partner among his clients and stakeholders, known for having an unparalleled level of know-how and thoughtfulness while navigating unknowns. His notable high-performance projects include the Multnomah County Central Courthouse, the new 35-story Ritz-Carlton Tower in Portland and the custom curtainwall for the PDX Terminal Core Redevelopment at the Portland International Airport.

Dave holds a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, and is a licensed professional engineer in OR, WA, ID, and NE. He is a Principal at RDH Building Science Inc. and is a Past-President of the Portland Building Enclosure Council.


December 2024 Monthly Meeting

Meeting Title
Solar Roof Systems – The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

Hybrid Event - In person and via Zoom

EcoTrust Building
Billy Frank Jr Conference Center
721 NW 9th Ave. Suite 200
Portland, OR 97209

for Zoom register at the link below

Carola Voelker

Installing a solar roof system on a building should be a decision that rewards the building owner with energy savings as well as piece of mind knowing they are doing their part to help the environment. What many building owners may not realize is that installing a solar roof system could damage their roof, void their roof warranty and end up costing them more in the long run. “Solar Roof Systems- The Good, The Bad and The Ugly” will identify the potential issues with a rooftop solar installation, what questions they should be asking and how to avoid serious, costly problems.

Carola Voelker is the CEO of Centroplan USA LLC (US branch of the German Solar EPC Company - Centroplan); a partner of Sika Corporation to develop rooftop solar solutions. Carola has been working in the Solar arena since 2009, gaining experience in solar module quality testing and failure analysis at Fraunhofer research Centers both in the US and Germany. In recent years, she has overseen several large-scale solar installations in the US. She has also been an integral member of the SarnaRoof Solarmount 2 (SSM2) development team since its inception.

Centroplan values their strong bonds to Fraunhofer ISE – Europe’s largest research Center for Solar Energy Systems; as well as to the VDE – the leading Certification Center for Electric Material in Germany, including Solar Installations.


November 2024 Monthly Meeting

Meeting Title
Distinguishing Between Storefront, Curtain Wall, and Window Wall Applications

Hybrid Event - In person and via Zoom

EcoTrust Building
Billy Frank Jr Conference Center
721 NW 9th Ave. Suite 200
Portland, OR 97209

for Zoom register at the link below

Henry Taylor, Kawneer

Please note that this meeting will occur on a Thursday

Architectural Aluminum Framing Systems can be broken down into a number of subcategories. These are: Storefront, Curtain Wall, Window Wall, Overhead or Sloped Glazing, Windows, Entrances, Interior Frames and Sliding Storefronts. The first three categories: Storefront, Curtain Wall and Window Wall are most commonly used for fixed exterior glazing on commercial applications. Each shares some common characteristics but for the most part, each is very different and designed for specific applications.

In this presentation we will focus on these first three systems, reviewing the unique features and characteristics of each; advantages and disadvantages of each and review examples of applications each was designed for. Upon completion of this presentation, you will have an appreciation for the uniqueness of each system and understand how to select the correct one based upon each specific project.

Henry earned a degree in Marketing and English from Georgia State University and an MBA in Management from Kennesaw State University. Beginning his career in commercial construction, he has been with Kawneer for 28 years.

A regular speaker at industry and trade association meetings, Henry has several articles published and is Chairman of the largest Division 8 trade association.


October 2024 Monthly Meeting

Meeting Title


Register at the link below


For our October 1, 2024 Portland BEC meeting, we have arranged for a unique opportunity to tour the ongoing construction of the OHSU Hospital Expansion Project (OHEP). This 14-story, $540M immediate care facility features approximately 500,000 sf of programmed space and parking, planned accommodations for up to 192 beds, 250,000 sf of unitized curtain wall, 10,000 sf of vegetated roof, and three (3) bridge connections to adjacent campus buildings. The exterior enclosure that will be visible and discussed during the tour is composed of aluminum and glass unitized curtain wall, panelized framed walls with exterior metal panel, hot-rubberized asphalt vegetated roofing, and single-ply roofing.

Since this is an active construction site, our tour will need to start at 3:30pm after most trades have left the site. The tour will be approximately 1-hour long starting with a brief intro to the project, then breaking into three groups each visiting three stations in various locations throughout the building to view/discuss the variety of enclosure systems and detailing. With any luck, folks will be able to observe unitized curtain wall being actively installed! At each station, a representative from NBBJ (Project Architect), Morisson Hershfield (Enclosure Consultant) or RWDI (Enclosure Commissioning Provider) will lead a discussion and brief Q&A on the systems being installed at those stations.

Personal protective equipment (PPE) will be required to be worn during the tour. Additionally, transportation up to the site will be provided by shuttle bus from/to the South Waterfront trade parking lot as parking at the site is a challenge. More information regarding PPE requirements and parking will be distributed in the days before the tour.

Due to space and safety constraints, this tour is limited to 35 attendees.  Please follow the link below to register for the event.

September 2024 Monthly Meeting

Meeting Title
Building Science Fundamentals

Hybrid Event - In person and via Zoom

EcoTrust Building
Billy Frank Jr Conference Center
721 NW 9th Ave. Suite 200
Portland, OR 97209

for Zoom register at the link below

Casey McDonald

Building science is a dynamic field that integrates age-old practices with cutting-edge research, offering critical insights into the design and construction of buildings. While some principles have been established for centuries, our understanding of building science continues to evolve as new research and industry experiences emerge. In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of its value, especially in addressing the complexities of modern construction and mitigating risks. Our local Building Enclosure Community (BEC) is a leader in this field, with a vibrant network of professionals dedicated to advancing building science knowledge. Given the breadth and ongoing development of the field, grasping the fundamentals is crucial for project success. In this session, we will explore core concepts of building science and use real-world examples to illustrate their practical application.

Casey McDonald is an Associate, Sr. Project Manager with RDH Building Science. He has a wealth of experience in a variety of enclosure-related disciplines including complex façade systems, mass timber construction, thermal and hygrothermal analysis, and air tightness control. Casey's strong technical proficiencies, cooperative approach, and committed focus on helping make buildings better has earned him a reputation as a valued figure in the local building community.


May 2024 Monthly Meeting

Meeting Title
Mass Timber Weather Protection

Hybrid Event - In person and via Zoom

EcoTrust Building
Billy Frank Jr Conference Center
721 NW 9th Ave. Suite 200
Portland, OR 97209

for Zoom register at the link below

Bill Melrose

Mass timber is both an innovative building material and a fundamentally familiar material. This course will cover some of the challenges which can be encountered when using this material with an emphasis on the construction process. This course will address the nature of wood material and how it reacts to moisture and relate that to the practical use of mass timber as a construction material. The standards applying to mass timber moisture content during both manufacturing and fabrication and then erection and construction in general will be reviewed. The course will identify the portions of mass timber elements at greatest risk of damage from moisture exposure during the construction process and the variable conditions not directly related to mass timber which make weather protection more difficult. Finally from a practical standpoint a contractor’s basic Weather Protection Plan will be described along with a discussion on cleaning processes for mass timber.

Bill Melrose has spent 45 years in the construction industry in all roles on site for both contractors and a subcontractor. He is a Licensed Civil Engineer in Oregon and has been the Oregon Division Quality Manager for Swinerton Builders for the last 5 years. During his time at Swinerton Builders he has been directly involved in over 15 Mass Timber Projects in the Portland Area, and has assisted with other projects in other locations. Bill visits active projects 2 to 3 time per week to assess the effectiveness and adjustments of the weather protection plans as it relates to both mass timber and the final roof installations.