November 2020 Monthly Meeting

Meeting Title
Historic Terra Cotta Restoration: Guidelines and Details

Live Zoom Webinar. Pre-registration is required at the link below.

Roy Ingraffia

This program provides an introduction to terra cotta as an architectural cladding material, its manufacturing, overview of its performance, and methods of installation & repair. Terra cotta, as an architectural material in the United States, was used profusely from the late nineteen century until the 1950's as a durable and decorative material and continues to be chosen as a unique solution for creative cladding solutions. Terra cotta is a high-performance material, however when failure does occur it is generally associated with original detailing, poor building maintenance, and reaction to secondary materials in the wall assembly. Specific information will be provided on repair materials and techniques that are suitable for terra cotta buildings and their various construction types.

Roy Ingraffia is an Associate of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and a Professional Associate of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC). In his role, Roy directs IMI’s marketing, industry development, research, and technical services programs nationwide.

He is an Architectural Conservator with experience in design and contracting capacities and his professional work has primarily focused on the preservation of historic masonry structures through research of traditional materials/methods and development of contemporary restoration techniques. In addition to his work with IMI, Roy teaches the Masonry Conservation Seminar within the Graduate Program in Historic Preservation at the University of Pennsylvania.