April 2016 Monthly Meeting

Meeting Title
NFPA 285 - Assembly Test of Exterior Walls with Combustible Components

Aceh Community Room
Mercy Corps, 45 SW Ankeny St
Portland, OR 97204

Herman Lopez

This seminar will discuss the impact of the NFPA 285 Test on buildings using IBC and ASHRAE 90.1 energy code requirements, the parameters and history of NFPA 285, and the definition of what building envelope components are combustible and require NFPA 285 testing by IBC. All of these elements combine to integrate NFPA 285 compliant assemblies into building envelope systems.

Herman Lopez is a Commercial Business Development Manager with DuPont Building Innovations. He is based in Fort Collins, CO and responsible for commercial business development throughout Western US representing DuPont Weatherization Systems. He has over 20 years sales and business development experience in the commercial and residential construction markets having worked for Simpson Strong-Tie, Azek Trimboards and DuPont™ Building Innovations. He is also active with CSI, (Construction Specifications Institute) and BEC (Building Enclosure Council). He speaks at many AIA-BEC Chapter meetings throughout the US as a representative of DuPont.