June 2015 Monthly Meeting

Integrated building facades have the potential to play a significant role in the support of aggressive building performance goals but validation is critical to assure that the potential is actually realized. This presentation will address the role of integrated facades in significantly reducing energy use while supporting high levels of occupant satisfaction. For transparent facade assemblies, the primary factors affecting performance are the management of solar heat gain, optimizing daylighting while managing glare, visual connections, and thermal transmittance.

September 2015 Monthly Meeting

Multi-family buildings are commonly ventilated using corridor pressurization based ventilation systems. This presentation will use a recent Pacific Northwest based case study to examine why this type of system is often inefficient and ineffective, and will demonstrate why alternative systems should be considered. Key concepts which will be discussed include the interaction of the ventilation system with building enclosure airtightness, occupants, and natural pressure differences created by stack effect.

October 2015 Monthly Meeting

This presentation will discuss the basic attributes of different roofing systems and the key considerations to choosing a roofing system.

Bruce Ryan, Vice President, has been a consultant for Professional Roof Consultants, Inc. since March of 1996. Primary responsibilities, aside from Corporate Management, include investigation and design of roof replacement projects, roof inspection projects, roof evaluations, and roof management projects, as well as systems administration.

November 2015 Monthly Meeting

Chapter 15 of the IBC and the Oregon Specialty Structural Code addresses the code requirements for the design and construction of roof assemblies. Ranging from slope requirements to requirements regarding specific roofing types, including thermoset, thermoplastic and SBS roofing materials, this section of the code is not frequently discussed or referenced during the course of project design and delivery. Mr. Kouba will address these requirements as well as looking at both the requirements and methods for compliance for meeting wind loads and edge securement. Mr.

January 2016 Monthly Meeting

Below grade waterproofing is becoming increasingly important as occupants, owners and warranty providers are less tolerant to water ingress into below grade structures and local jurisdictions are increasingly limiting rain and storm water discharge. There are various water management methodologies and waterproofing systems available to provide protection against water ingress of foundations. This presentation provides insight into various waterproofing strategies and systems for below grade foundations.

February 2016 Monthly Meeting

With the ever-evolving technology of materials and construction trade practices combined with the desire to push project schedules to year-round construction, the risk of failure of building enclosure components is high. During this course, the discussion will revolve around case-studies of real-world building enclosure system failures resulting from discontinuities in the control layers (air, water, vapor, thermal), lack of understanding of the interaction between the interior and exterior environments, and construction related mistakes.

March 2016 Monthly Meeting

Effective building enclosures provide physical protection from weather and climate (comfort), indoor air quality (health), durability, and energy efficiency. This presentation will focus on the fundamentals of wall assembly design with emphasis on the control layers that separate exterior and interior environment.

As part of the discussion, we will examine the physical phenomena that affect buildings and strategies that can be employed through Control Layers to respond to the environment.

April 2016 Monthly Meeting

This seminar will discuss the impact of the NFPA 285 Test on buildings using IBC and ASHRAE 90.1 energy code requirements, the parameters and history of NFPA 285, and the definition of what building envelope components are combustible and require NFPA 285 testing by IBC. All of these elements combine to integrate NFPA 285 compliant assemblies into building envelope systems.

2016 Symposium

The Portland Building Enclosure Council will be holding our bi-annual symposium on May 11, 2016 at the Portland Art Museum. The event will be held in conjunction with CSI-Portland’s Industry Forum (IF) event taking place on the same day. This combined event promises to provide a full day of educational and networking opportunities related to practice and theory in architecture and technical aspects of building enclosures in energy retrofit applications. The proposed schedule of events and speakers are is as follows:

2016 Preservation Workshop

DoCoMoMo_Oregon and the Association for Preservation Technology, Northwest, are pleased to co-host a work- shop on Mid-Century Modern materials. The workshop will focus on materials used in the northwest through their history and case studies. The sessions will conclude with a lively discussion as to whether preserving Mid-Century Materials is less important than preserving the plan and layout of Mid-Century structures. A sack lunch will be provided to all attendees.