June 2023 Month Meeting

Adhered masonry does not meet code because seismic testing does not exist in our industry; until now. There are a few common examples where a "Standard of Care" is met without meeting Code in common built solutions. 3 years worth of testing finished April 2023. This presentation summarizes the results and how to apply to your building. The process of adding information to the "Field of Knowledge" will be explored.

May 2023 Monthly Meeting

By now, design and construction professionals are well aware of the significant impact of buildings on the natural environment. That fact is even more prevalent as evidenced with the ever increasing thermal performance provisions in our codes and standards. While the industry has become adept at throwing more and more insulation at these challenges, there are a few exciting insulation technologies, and creative ways to deploy them, than many enclosure professionals may realize.

April 2023 Monthly Meeting

As we move toward higher performance buildings supported by advanced technologies, we require more advanced tools to not only analyze but also disseminate the information. This session will use data driven guidance and highly visual tools to communicate a more complete picture of whole building energy performance. The frameworks presented will highlight the relationships between multiple performance variables, allowing designers to make more informed decisions and building energy policy makers to focus attention on areas of higher priority.

February 2023 Monthly Meeting

This course provides an in depth look at the design of the curtainwall systems for the PDX Next Main Terminal Expansion at the Portland International Airport. It will cover the background for the project, including project and design goals, seismic resilient design aspects of the curtainwall system, and also cover the use of oversized glass and performance mockup testing.

January 2023 Monthly Meeting

This course will cover Electronic Leak Detection (ELD) testing methods used for quality assurance of roofing and waterproofing membranes. Participants will learn about the principles outlined in the ASTM Standard Guide D7877 and ASTM Standard Practice D8231 and will be able to identify which assemblies are compatible with electronic testing and active monitoring.

December 2022 Monthly Meeting

The Building Science Advisor (BSA) is a rule-based expert system web-based tool developed to assist building professionals in designing energy efficient and durable residential wall systems for new or retrofit construction. When examining new construction and based on location, the BSA will assess the proposed design. For proposed retrofits, the BSA provides recommendations on how to address the retrofit in a manner that will not create a durability problem. The capabilities of the BSA will be demonstrated.

November 2022 Month Meeting

By understanding masonry’s modular design, colors, textures and technical detailing issues, architects can open the door to innovative new building designs. Using creative design examples, this seminar will review innovative ways to use brick and stone masonry to create new exciting building aesthetics. Standards and methods for upholding industry requirements for structural integrity, movement, moisture, and thermal control will also be integrated in the discussion of material systems.

October 2022 Monthly Meeting

Architectural Aluminum Framing Systems have grown and multiplied over the years to meet the changing demands of building envelops. This industry started by meeting the demand for a sustainable storefront solution in the early 1900’s. Today architects are faced with selecting from a wide range of system options. Two major types of framing systems are Storefronts and Curtain Walls. In some cases, these systems could occupy the same space but in others, selecting the wrong system could have harmful consequences.