January 2022 Monthly Meeting

The evolution of outcome-based performance criteria in the building & construction industry is placing more emphasis on the traditional ways of addressing air and water tightness. There is such a strong correlation between energy performance of commercial buildings and the management of uncontrolled air infiltration that we have seen Energy Codes (e.g. ASHRAE 90.1) and select jurisdictions adopt requirements to show a continuous air barrier systems in the construction documents and to demonstrate compliance of the construction through testing.

December 2021 Monthly Meeting

This presentation is an overview of the environmental and economic benefits of a properly designed, installed, and maintained vegetated roof. We will review the generic components that comprise typical green roof systems, and we will address concerns in-depth including wind uplift considerations and how to treat drains to avoid flooding. We will also review local case studies ranging from thriving systems to outright failures, and how the design and maintenance of the systems affects the outcomes.

November 2021 Monthly Meeting

Oversized and super-sized glass for construction is offered in various formats across the North American and international markets. Suppliers have scaled up most glass production processes and can offer high performing glass with impressive dimensions. Scaling up glass production comes with cost and technical implications. This lecture provides an overview about the development and status of oversized glass production and the various production and processing stages involved.

October 2021 Monthly Meeting

This presentation will explore how the details of iconic historic houses, both traditional and modernist, have contributed to their durability or lack thereof, and what we can learn from their successes and failures for both preservation and new design. Case studies will include the speaker’s assessment or restoration work on these six details from six iconic houses:

September 2021 Monthly Meeting

A failure of an installed curtain wall on a commercial project can be costly and time consuming. A failure can do more that physical property damage. It can have an impact on all parties involved in the project and repercussions could last years. Most failures can be tracked to simple mistakes that were preventable.

June 2021 Monthly Meeting

This course will review the myriad attachment methods for single ply membranes, including different membrane types, substrates, and structures. Advantages and disadvantages of the various attachment methods will be discussed as well as various criteria which may dictate a certain attachment type.